HomeSubmit Your Work

Submit Your Work

Submission Guidelines and Principles
We welcome submissions that document, analyze and/or celebrate the experience of Black Muslims in the United States. Sapelo Square strives to be inclusive of the dynamic and diverse Black Muslim community. We take a nonsectarian approach to Islam and an inclusive vision of what it means to be Black in the United States. As a result, we welcome diverse viewpoints, ideologies and perspectives. To be considered for inclusion on Sapelo Square, submitted work should not isolate, marginalize, or attack other Black Muslims. Further, we seek high-quality content that is informed and thought provoking.

Pitch Submissions
Your pitch should include:

  • An explanation on why your pitch is relevant and timely.
  • A description of your pitch, and a brief explanation for why you are best suited to address this subject.
  • Your idea should be composed of a few lines.

Final Submissions
Final submissions should be no longer than 1000 words and include relevant photos or artwork. Long form submissions will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

Multimedia Submissions
We welcome media submissions that adhere to our guidelines above and exhibit the most dynamic form of its medium.

For original work, authors/creators will be compensated at $100.

Ready to submit? Email your pitch to with the subject line: [Pitch/Final/Multimedia] Submission